
huafeng1103 酒价格盛世和谐酒国酱「和谐盛世酒价格」已关闭评论6字数 4188阅读模式


《盛世中华中国印》由中国文物学会监制,盛世典藏网权威出品,国家质量监督部门对每一尊玉玺出具权威鉴定证书,每一尊玉玺都附赠盛世中华中国印邮票一本。白玉版和和田青玉版全球各限量发行3000尊。设计雕刻:张铁成和、郭石林、员向阳 三位大师共同完成。第一次为玉玺同步发行大版张纪念邮票作为一款盛世国印,为彰显其尊贵身份,保证其以后的巨大升值潜力,国家邮政总局特别批准,专门为这套盛世中华·中国印发行了大版张纪念邮票,以资纪念新中国一款盛世中华·中国印。 在中国邮票发行史上,这是破天荒的一次,是真正的高规格藏品,中央电视台新闻频道在第一时间跟踪报道。近年来,玺类藏品一直是各大拍卖行的焦点,领涨着收藏市场;2009年11月15日,乾隆八徵耄耋交龙玉玺在伦敦 苏富比拍卖行 以折合人民币4000万的天价拍出;2008年8月一方乾隆御笔和田 白玉玺 在香港苏富比拍卖行以6338万港币拍出,创 玉玺拍卖最高纪录;08年奥运玉玺也从5.6万元一路涨到58万,上涨10倍多。盛世中华·中国印在中国 和谐盛世 的重大背景下特许发行,价值将赶超奥运玉玺的升值神话!黄金有价玉无价,白玉的年升值率达50%以上,盛世中华·中国印物超所值!

玉是不可再生的稀缺资源,近年来由于过度开采,玉资源几近枯竭,价格更是疯狂暴涨。此次盛世宝玺所用玉料都是低成本提供,来自昆仑山脉。俗话说藏玉十年,万顷良田,评估专家称:像这样罕有的整块玉料本身价值就超过万元,而现在是集大师雕刻、高贵身份为一体的一件艺术珍品,为了永恒铭记中华盛世中国。《盛世中华·中国印》以代表中华文明的玉与龙为基本元素,将中国传统文化精髓与图腾象征结合,采用昆仑山脉上乘天然玉料,整体雕刻而成。 整个作品由龙钮和玺基两部分组成,龙钮上雕琢有两条飞龙,双龙盘旋飞绕,气势磅礴;整个玉印晶莹通透,玉质温润细腻,光泽柔和;整体线条流畅

The jade seal is a symbol of ancient imperial power. The national seal has been handed down in the Qin, Han, Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. China successfully hosted the Olympic Games in 2008, the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of new China in 2009 and the World Expo in 2010. These three major events are an important symbol of the rise of great powers and Chinas entry into a prosperous era! Prosperity must be remembered with heavy tools! The seal is a national treasure. In 2010, Zhang Tiecheng, the chief carving designer of the Olympic jade seal, once again joined hands with Chinese arts and crafts masters to create Chinas "prosperous China · China seal", which is in line with the Olympic jade seal and a rare collection opportunity! Shengshi China seal is supervised by the Chinese society of cultural relics and produced by Shengshi collection network. The State Quality Supervision Department issues an authoritative appraisal certificate for each jade seal, and each jade seal is accompanied by a Shengshi China seal stamp. The white jade version and Hetian sapphire version are limited to 3000 copies worldwide. Design and carving: jointly completed by Zhang Tiecheng, Guo Shilin and member Xiangyang. For the first time, a large commemorative stamp was issued simultaneously for the jade seal. As a prosperous national seal, in order to highlight its noble identity and ensure its great appreciation potential in the future, the State Postal Administration specially approved to issue a large commemorative stamp for this set of "prosperous China · China seal" to commemorate a "prosperous China · China seal" in New China. This is the first time in the history of Chinese stamp issuance. It is a real high-standard collection, which was tracked and reported by CCTV news channel for the first time. In recent years, seal collections have been the focus of major auction houses, leading the collection market; On November 15, 2009, "Qianlong eight levy octogenarian Jiaolong seal" was sold at Sothebys auction house in London at a sky high price of 40 million yuan; In August 2008, a "Qianlong Royal pen" Hotan white jade seal was sold at Sothebys auction house in Hong Kong for HK $63.38 million, setting a record for jade seal auction; The 2008 Olympic seal also rose from 56000 yuan to 580000 yuan, an increase of more than 10 times. "Prosperous China · China seal" is licensed under the great background of Chinas harmonious prosperous era, and its value will catch up with the appreciation myth of "Olympic seal"! "Gold is valuable, jade is priceless", the annual appreciation rate of white jade is more than 50%, and the "prosperous China · China seal" is worth more! Jade is a non renewable scarce resource. In recent years, due to over exploitation, jade resources have almost dried up, and the price has soared wildly. The jade materials used in the "golden age seal" are provided at low cost and come from the Kunlun Mountains. As the saying goes, "ten years of jade collection, ten thousand hectares of fertile land". The evaluation experts say that the value of such a rare piece of jade itself is more than ten thousand yuan. Now it is an art treasure integrating master carving and noble identity. In order to forever remember Chinas prosperous age. "Prosperous China · China seal" takes "jade" and "dragon" representing Chinese civilization as the basic elements, combines the essence of Chinese traditional culture with totem symbols, and adopts the superior natural jade material of Kunlun Mountains. The whole work consists of two parts: the Dragon button and the seal base. There are two flying dragons carved on the Dragon button. The two dragons hover and fly around with great momentum; The whole jade seal is crystal clear, the jade is warm and delicate, and the luster is soft; The overall line is smooth

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月3日 17:46:08
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